
Beyond a workout.
A way of life.

Cultivating and maintaining abundant energy — in all its forms — is fundamental to being the best version of yourself. It is the key to a high-performance lifestyle that is centered in sustainable well-being and vitality.


The Four Domains Of Human Energy

Science—and lived experience—tells us that our everyday energy is influenced by an interplay of processes within body and mind. These are the four domains of human energy that CenterPoint fuels.

Physical Energy

Engaging in physical exercise stimulates the production of certain chemical messengers within the body—including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine—that positively influence emotional energy.

Emotional Energy

Beyond the mood benefits [of the exercise high], increased physical energy through activity is known to reduce stress levels to further enhance emotional well-being—and free up mindshare.

Cognitive Energy

Enhanced emotional energy improves cognitive functions like attention, memory, and executive skills. Additionally, physical exercise sharpens mental acuity in the short term and increases brain volume and capacity over the long term.

Spiritual Energy

When physical, emotional, and cognitive energies work in unison, they uplift spiritual energy by fostering harmony, purpose, and resilience. This enriches one’s connection to deeper values and promotes a sustained sense of well-being and purpose.

Creating a Unified Whole

Making changes to your current way of life can be daunting, and having a proven system that’s grounded in science is the key to successful transformation. Welcome to the CenterPoint System.

The CenterPoint System

Embracing the uniqueness of the individual, CenterPoint™ tailors wellness through comprehensive physiological analysis, resulting in high-precision, customized wellness solutions. It's about fostering an ecosystem of health that's meticulously adapted to each person, ensuring a path to optimal wellness that is as individualized as it is holistic.

Education +

Control is intrinsic and stems from your choices. CenterPoint empowers you to be self-directed, providing knowledge for positive behavioral changes and fostering a lifestyle that aligns with your best self.

Strength +

CenterPoint's strength and conditioning principles, rooted in functional, performance-based training, utilize diverse equipment to enhance movement across all planes, reflecting our innate capabilities to run, jump, lift, and carry.

Diet +

CenterPoint simplifies nutrition, an often-confusing part of life, by focusing on hydration, quality, metabolic specificity, and environment to fuel performance and achieve your peak physical and mental state.

Recovery +

CenterPoint addresses chronic stress, a modern life byproduct, by emphasizing recovery and regeneration through hot and cold therapies, massage, mindfulness, and social connectivity, crucial for sustainable well-being and longevity.


The CenterPoint™ philosophy, embedded within The Wright Fit’s ethos, provides luxury real estate developers with the ability to offer a distinct level of service.

It represents the benchmark of bespoke wellness, going beyond standard health regimes to offer a deeply personalized approach to well-being.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

— Carl Jung